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A Practical Test for Active Families

SKIPPY Pram Demo Day in Liverpool

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On the 11th of August, SKIPPY Prams hostedan outdoor demonstration event in Liverpool, and we’re excited to report thatit was a great success! The event attracted many parents and families, alleager to explore our latest range of prams and get a hands-on experience in areal outdoor setting.

The Liverpool event was designed to provideparents with a practical, outdoor environment to test our prams. The locationwas carefully selected to include a variety of surfaces, such as pavements,grass, and gravel, allowing attendees to see how our prams handle differentterrains. This setup gave parents the confidence to make informed decisionsabout which pram would best suit their needs.

The event kicked off with

introductions from SKIPPY Prams representatives

We were delighted to see a diverse group of
parents and children from various backgrounds attending this family event. The
open, friendly atmosphere encouraged everyone to mingle, share their
experiences, and discuss what they look for in a pram. The outdoor setting made
it easy for parents to interact with each other, creating a sense of community
as they explored the prams together.

One of the key features of the Liverpool event was the hands-on testing experience. Parents were able to push a range of prams across different surfaces, getting a real feel for their maneuverability, stability, and comfort. The Lusso single pram, double pram featuring seat and seat or seat and bassinet, as well as the Strada travel pram were very popular among the attendees. This practical demonstration allowed attendees to compare different models and find the one that best fit their lifestyle. It was clear that the outdoor setting added an extra level of authenticity to the experience, as parents could test the prams in conditions similar to those they encounter in their daily lives.

Throughout the event, our team engaged with parents to gather their feedback and insights. To show our appreciation for those who attended, we offered exclusive demo-day discounts on all prams. Many parents took advantage of these offers and made on-the-spot purchases. As an added bonus, those who completed their purchases at the event received free gifts, which were well-received and added to the overall positive experience.

Skippy Day Highlights

The SKIPPY Prams outdoor demonstration
event in Liverpool was a successful and enjoyable day for all involved. The
event provided parents with the opportunity to thoroughly test our prams in a
realistic outdoor environment, and the feedback we received will be invaluable
as we continue to refine our products.

We are committed to organizing more events like this in the future, ensuring that all parents have the chance to experience our prams firsthand. If you couldn’t attend this event, stay tunedfor future demo days in your area. We look forward to seeing you at our next event!

If you’re still looking to participate in a pram demo, you can sign up for an alternative suburb near you.

Can't find a demo day close to you? Not a problem! You can now try out our free 30 day home trial, and test our pram in your very own home.